Philippine Spirits

Your Portal to Philippine Mythology




1 – Tigbanua

The tigbanua are one-eyed, they are very tall with lean, long bodies and long necks which they can twist to see behind them. They have dirty, curly hair, a yellow or red eye, flat noses, pointed teeth and fangs, bony over-sized feet, and their pale leathery skin is caked with grime.

2 – Mhenamad Thalon

The Thalon is a dog-like creature with the feet of a human. Its 4 human feet point backwards and it walks the way a normal dog would, but with those feet. Its fur is always black and its face can range from human to beast-like. Its appearance is the same whether male or female.

3 – Mantiyanak

The Mantiyanak is a wraith with a hole or slit in her bloated belly with her unborn child inside. Thinking that she could have lived had she not been impregnated by a man, she blames all men for her untimely demise.

4 – Onglo

A human-like creature with long straight, black hair around its body from head to toe. It has clawed feet, long, sharp fingernails and long, pointy ears.

5 – Litao

A male anito of the waters. In Vigan it is a small man that lives in the branches of bamboo trees along river banks and is the husband of the sirena.

6 – Sarangay

It has a large body with long black hair and wears wooden rings on his ears. Dark in complexion, it wears a pendant that glows in the dark. Sometimes described as half man half bull.

7 – Nangangatok

The Nangangatok is a creature that would knock at people’s houses and misfortune would befall its occupants days after. It is an evil spirit and harbinger of bad things.

8 – Manlalayog

A woman whose hair grows very long and wire-like at night. With her hair, she strangles or suffocates a person while draining the victim’s life force which results in death. Life force from its victims keeps the Manlalayog young and strong.

9 – Siyam-siyam

A normal human that turns into a skeleton in tatters. In mid to late 19th century Iloilo, travelers on horseback or carriage told of encountering a restless spirit at night. The spirit at first appeared as a normal human and asked to hitch a ride. On the way it would talk casually and confess of its nine sins that it committed nine times. Then the hitchhiker will turn into a skeleton in tatters and ask for the nearest church and disappear while the travelers screamed their heads off.

10 – Mantiw

Giant spirits in Iloilo over thirty feet tall. People who have allegedly seen a Mantiw describe it as having a fair complexion, wide shoulders, and a tall aquiline nose. Also, a male Mantiw has an incredibly long penis and large, dangling scrotum. Although peaceful, a Mantiw is easily offended when a human whistles along with it. It will grab the nuisance human, carry him to the tallest coconut tree, and leave him on top with no means of climbing down.

11 – Santelmo

Santelmo are multicolored balls of floating flame. Said to be souls of people lost at sea. They are kept at bay by sprinkling salt on your sails.

12 – Pugot Mamu

The Pugot Mamu is a headless mythical being. The Pugot Mamu is said to eat children through a hole in its neck which acts as a mouth.

13 – Bungisngis

Man-like giant. Has only one eye. Has a large upper lip that can almost cover his whole face. Eats a lot and would steal food from other creatures. Its favorite food is the carabao. Sometimes catches humans that stray into its domain. Is very easy to confuse.

14 – Mananaggal

A flying fiend, and carries only half its body, bodies are cut in half at night. Some says, like Aswang, by day, they are beautiful maidens living in a nipa hut, by night, they rub a kind of oil to their whole body which gives them the power to separate themselves into two – the upper part which she carries with bat-like wings, and the lower part which they live, then goes back to connect its upper part before the dawn.

15 – Laho

A serpent that swallows the moon and causes lunar eclipses.

16 – Alan

Humanoid in appearance but have winged arms and skin as tough as carabao hide. They spend much of their time hanging upside-down from trees deep in the forest with their backward-pointing, clawed feet tightly holding onto a branch, waiting for a potential prey to pass below.

17 – Ikugan

A giant that looks like a monkey. Has a long tail and large feet and hands. Takes people using its tail wile it sits in trees. It strangles their victims before it makes them fall to the ground.

18 – Magindara

A beautiful woman from head to waist with a fish tail instead of legs.Regarded as guardian spirits of ancient Bikol fishermen. The Magindara would keep them safe from disaster by warning them with shouts and signs on the sea of approaching storms. They would also lead the way towards schools of fish.

19 – Tiburones/ Pating na Pakpakan

Giant winged sharks. Six to eight meters long with a rounded body. Thick and flat head, huge mouth, triangular teeth and blackened skin.

20 – Tiyanak

Said to be the souls of babies that died without being baptised. They want to play with whoever passes by them, their favorite playmates are children with uncommon names. They crow like a bird and they cry to lure childless couples, then they wait until they find an opportunity to kill the couple by sucking their blood.

21 – Mameleu

The Mameleu is a snake-like creature, a sea serpent. Its body is as large as a carabao and thirty fathoms long. It has two torch like eyes that gleams like fire. Its head is as large as a carabao’s with two white horns. It also has long tusks and long teeth and plate sized scales that are hard and resistant.

22 – Mantahungal

It has a cowlike body and voice, but no horns. Shaggy coats of hair which hangs to the ground. Monstrous mouths with tusk-like incisors: two on top and two below.

23 – Maria Labo

A young woman with a scar on her face. A caring mother and wife wanted to give her family an affluent life, so she tried her luck in Canada as an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW). It was said that this lady worked for an employer who was suffering from an unknown disease. Later on before his dying breath, the employer passed on his alleged vampiric power to the unknowing caregiver. The lady accepted the said power without knowing the staggering price she would pay.

24 – Agta

A tall, black hairy man . Sometimes seen wearing black or white priest like robes but can take the form of animals, such as dogs, goats and etc.

25 – Dalaketnon

Beautiful elitists, said to control the Aswang, Manananggal, Amalanhig, Tikitik, Bal-bal, and Wakwak, and are powerful and evil spirits. They dwell in a place called Dalaket.

26 – Busaw

The Busaw was a ghoul and corpse thief. An evil spirit who looked and behaved like ordinary human beings by day, it listened for sounds of death in the evenings and dwelled in large trees near cemeteries. It has pointed teeth, hooked nails, and a long tongue. It took banana tree trunks to replace the dead as it stole the corpses out of their coffins.

27 – Anggitay

A creature whose upper part of the body from the waist up to the head is that of a woman while the lower half is the body and legs of a horse-like creature (like a Centaur). The Anggitay has a single horn on the forehead.

According to some legends she was a mortal woman, who was vain enough to challenge and mock Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan, the goddess of greediness. The goddess punished her and turned her into a half-horse half human with golden hooves and a large horn for her foolishness and cursing her with endless thirst for gold that she will never find, but Barangaw (god of rainbows) granted the Anggitay a home beneath the rainbow.

28 – Mambabarang

Human looking. The Mambabarang trains various insects such as beetles, centipedes, cockroaches, locusts and moths to enter people’s bodies. She keeps the insects in a bamboo tube before unleashing them at night to attack their victim. The insects would cause the victim’s body to swell, have boils and lesions. People come to other sorcerers to seek for remedy against the effects that the Mambabarangs have caused.

29 – Aswang

An ugly, old and wrinkled creature (usually female) with disheveled hair, a long chin and a protruding forehead. Beautiful by day, during the night the Aswang sheds her human form and goes hunting for human flesh.

30 – Sigbin

Looks like a locust or a frog or looks like a goat without horns, long hind legs like a kangaroo and large ears that it can flap. It has a long tail that it uses to whip victims.

Drinks the blood of their victims by sucking at their shadows. They steal the bodies of their victims so that they can eat it with their aswang masters. It shows itself at the full moon. It walks backwards and it can reach its head at the back of its feet. They are afraid of sharp objects including knives.

31 – Ta-awi

A “monster” that creates a noise as loud as thunder from the forest. It has an ugly face and a large frame. It has supernatural speed “Faster than the wind”. When killed, the undigested eyes of its victims can be cut out of its belly to restore its victims to life.