The festival of the star of the Evening Sunset was about to begin.
“Come one, come all!”
“The cobblestone streets were filled with vendors, the smell intoxicating even the hardiest of people
The booming voice of the announcer penetrated the crowd.
“Now it is time for the main event.”
A stage was set up by the entrance of the town.
Stagehands hurriedly pulled the curtain to reveal a solitary actor with a commanding presence.
“I am a price from a far-off land. Taken by my saviors, the royal family of the golden sun.”
The applause was immediate.
“We start with the warring kingdoms in the mountains of yore.
The kingdom of the cunning civet would not relent, but our armies were more tenacious than theirs.
In the end their kingdom fell. And it was then that I was welcomed to the fold of the royal family.
They took me in and recognized that royal blood flows through my veins.”
The backdrop changed to a throne room.
“I was tasked to reign over this kingdom, and during the third year, I saw her.”
A woman, dressed in a shining gown appeared from stage left.
“My love, my star. This was before I knew the truth.
The kingdom I was taken from had more then one royal heir.
She was a kind but firm shepherdess. And love was our language.
It fell to the king, the one who cared for nothing but the truth.
To tell me she was my sister, separated by the warring kingdoms. We knew the truth and went our separate ways. I still loved her but our union was not meant to be.
I shouted to the heavens and I was answered by the almighty.
He took me into the kingdoms of heaven and there I became the Star of the Evening Sunset, forever chasing the morning star, but never reaching her.”
The crowed erupted in a standing ovation. They had heard the story multiple times before, but not like this.
The announcer returned, shouting, “Now let us celebrate the Star of the Evening Sunset!!!”
Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza
Inspired by the description of the Star of the Morning Sulu Studies 2. Rixhon ed. 1973.
The Star of the Morning Illustration by Nozomi
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