Philippine Spirits

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Patient’s name is Stephen Tabaquero. Male. Age 28.

Patient has no previous history of schizophrenia or mental illness. He began to show signs of slight paranoia during his first session with the psychologist, though it was noted that it didn’t seem to be serious and that therapy was recommended to deal with his symptoms.

2 weeks later patient’s condition appeared to have worsened. He had not slept in 36 hours, was skipping meals and in an overall weary state. A prescription for Temazepam was written and his guardian was advised to keep a close eye on the patient.

From then on the patient exhibited symptoms of schizoaffective disorder. He would repeatedly go the backyard of his house and shout and swear at the trees to “stop hurting him” and to “leave his family alone”. The patient also rejected the prescribed Temazepam and any other sleeping pills and takes extreme measures to stay awake such as drinking excessive amounts of highly caffeinated energy drinks. When asked why he refused he said “I couldn’t handle the nightmares.”

Currently the patient is under observation in the psychiatric ward. His current room has a view of a tree from the window and he shouts at it relentlessly. The nurses have to restrain him to give him the sedatives he requires to go to sleep. The patient still exhibits delusional thinking and manic behavior and the staff assigned to him has to stop him from smuggling energy drinks to stay awake.

The cause of the sudden appearance of the symptoms is unknown. Further study of the patient and his circumstance is needed.


Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza

Story inspired by Batibat entry in Creatures of Philippine Lower Mythology. Ramos. 1971.

Batibat Illustration by Leandro Geniston from Aklat ng mga Anito
FB: That Guy With A Pen