Philippine Spirits

Your Portal to Philippine Mythology


Part 4 Aura’s Revenge


This is all my fault.

Papa’s really worried now. Kuya hasn’t been back in almost a day and we don’t know where he is. Papa doesn’t know but I can hear him crying from mama’s room when he thinks no one’s around.

I have to help him. Ever since mama got hurt by that baby everything just went wrong, but I’m brave and I know I can find kuya. I asked everyone in the hospital if they saw my kuya, I even had his picture! One guard said she saw a boy that looked like my kuya walk outside the hospital.

I waited until papa was asleep then I ran outside of the hospital. The guard said that she saw him walk in the direction of the forest and I knew that’s where I had to go. I heard the adults talking about bad things happening in the trees, but kuya was there and I had to find him. I don’t want papa to be sad and I know mama will want to see him when she wakes up.

The forest is bigger than I thought it would be. It doesn’t help that it’s dark out. I don’t know how to find kuya but I’m sure if I keep walking I’ll see him eventually. I think I was about to find him but papa found me first! It was a big surprise.

He hugged me and said he was so worried when he couldn’t find me and that I shouldn’t run away. I told him that I wasn’t running away, and I was trying to find kuya. I said I was sorry that I made him sad but I need to help him out. I’m almost 8 and I’m big enough to help papa and kuya and mama.

Papa hugged me again but when stopped when we heard someone laughing. We looked behind us and we saw the guard that told me about kuya! She was wearing different clothes now, and her face got scarier! It looked like all her teeth were sharper. I think she was an Aswuu—Aswii—Aswang!

Her body started to move in a strange way, and it changed! Her teeth grew longer, her arms and legs changed and she looked like a giant pig. A giant scary pig.

Papa told me to run away. He said to go back to the hospital and find help! I was so scared! The giant pig was running after papa and I couldn’t do anything.

It’s all my fault.

I’m so useless.


Story continued from the Siring’s Tale:


Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza

Inspired by the Harimodon legends from Bicol

Harimodon Illustration by Leandro Geniston fromAklat ng mga Anito
FB: That Guy With A Pen

Watercolor by Mykee Concepcion