Philippine Spirits

Your Portal to Philippine Mythology



From the notes of Mari Bas:

Mamaylo. Nanreben. Mameleu.

Names seem unconnected, but it was seen all around the same region. Witnesses are unreliable but all agree on a few key points:

Creature is described with a thick body, about the size of a small car. Conflicting accounts on the length of the beast. Some claim 30 meters, others as big as 200.

Interesting to note the growths on the head.

Photographic evidence is minimal and blurry, but white protrusions are visible in all pictures. Possible Adaptations like the Narwhal?

Reports of sightings are erratic, but almost always in the same general area around Panay and Negros.

1932 – Coastal waters near Iloilo City

1951 – Batbatan Island

1977 – Nabulao Bay

1986 – Danjugan Island

1998 – Guimaras Strait

Last known sighting was 2007 from a fisherman off the coast of Negros near Nadulao Island.

Unclear whether there are multiples or if only one.

Pending investigation in the waters of Negros imminent.


Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza

Story inspired by Mameleu entry in Creatures of Philippine Lower Mythology. Ramos. 1971.

Mameleu Illustration by Leandro Genisto from Aklat ng mga Anito
FB: That Guy With A Pen

Watercolor by Mykie Concepcion