Philippine Spirits

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Patient’s name is Lina De Vera. Female. Age 34.

Patient has history of chronic illness, Ulcerative colitis. Inflammation in the colon and rectum has been managed with corticosteroids and the patient has been in remission for the past 2 weeks. No Immunosuppresive steroids were needed.

Patient began to show strange symptoms following her remission. Her organs appeared to have been degenerating. Parts of the patient’s liver and rectum seemed to have been gone completely.

Patient was put under observation and a complete blood workup was requested. The patient complained of having difficulty at night with pain. She said that intense abdominal pain happened only at night.

The symptoms do not match any known disease or ailment. Ultrasound showed that the liver seems to be damaged. There appeared to be trauma that almost looks like it could have been caused by an animal, impossible though as all the damage is internal.

The patient remained under observation. Her condition seemed to be worsening without any explanation. Additional blood transfusions were required due to unexplained blood loss.

Time of death was called 9:03 pm. Patient went into shock following rapid blood loss from her rectum. Autopsy showed that her liver and intestines had completely disappeared, almost as if they were pulled out from her rectum.

The autopsy continued for 3 days, but on the third day the patient’s body disappeared. Hospital personnel and security searched the premises but nothing was found. The person in charge of the morgue noted that he had only left his station for his usual nightly break.

The disappearance was reported to the police and the investigation is still underway.


Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza

Story inspired by ‘Mangalok’ entry in Creatures of Philippine Lower Mythology. Ramos. 1971.

Mangalok Illustration by Patmai De Vera