Philippine Spirits

Your Portal to Philippine Mythology



The future holds many paths to those that seek them, yet there are beings that can see into the ebb and flow of eternity. In their gaze dances the infinite, the scores upon scores of possibilities of what can, what will, and what must.

One cannot help but wonder if the future is our prison. True, accurate knowledge of the future implies that there is an assured existence of a future. If this is the case then all souls are bound to the meaningless dance of life. What will happen, will happen. Fate is the true master of the universe.

Then there are those that say the future is a branching river. Each action opens up a host of new possibilities that multiply into infinity. It is through these choices that uncountable futures are made, a winding stream of futures that may be, and will only come into existence if the right choices are made, infinite possibilities stretching into the unknown.

The most frightening future of all is one that doesn’t exist. The past, present and future may be real to us, but that is only dependent on our point of view. Reality is ordered through an infinite, one where clumps of time, space and space-time are thrown into four-dimensional chaos.

Whatever the future holds, those that see have no choice but to play their part. They may be the guide to a blissful eternity, or mere puppets in a cruel universe’s game. But either way they will drink their wine and play their music.

They see past the veil of eternity. Only the foolish would not listen to the whistles in the trees.



Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza

Inspired by the Palasekan description in Creatures of Philippine Lower Mythology. Ramos. 1971.

Palasekan Illustration by Fam Telmo

Instagram: @famskaartyhan