A playmate they seek
In babes newly born
While they are still weak
And what parents must warn
All those that live with them
Of those that never grow old.
They cannot be condemned
For only children can hold
The sight of the small ones
Their workings arcane
At the end of the suns
Journey on this plane
A hat of blackest night
Must be put on their head
It is only then they could fight
Until one is dead
Those think they are cute
Have fallen into their trap
Their methods absolute
While they try to map
Their nefarious plans
Must be undone
It is only in the babe’s hands
That victory is won
Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza
Inspired by the description of Ragit Ragit in The Creatures of Midnight , Maximo Ramos, Phoenix Publishing, 1990
Ragit Ragit Illustration by Fam Telmo
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