Philippine Spirits

Your Portal to Philippine Mythology

Tuwan Putli’


“Mama, tell me a story. I can’t sleep.”

“Alright, let me take you to bed now, child.

Have I ever told you the story of Sitti Maryam’s* angels?”

“Not yet, mama.”

“Well listen closely,

When Sitti Maryam was left alone in the wilderness to raise the great prophet Nabi’ Isa, God did not leave her alone. He sent 77 female angels to help keep the child out of danger, and their leader was none other than Tuwan Putli’. She was a beautiful angel with great wings. She was also the only one who spoke to Sitti Maryam to tell what the angels would do.

She bade 70 angels to leave the seventh day after Nabi’ Isa was born and she and six other angels stayed for 44 more days before ascending into heaven. Tuwan Putli’ was kind and gentle, and would always seek to make sure the baby was unharmed.

The angels and Sitti Maryam were in the wilderness of the island and there were many dangers lurking around, from wild animals to the saytan living in the trees and rocks. The angels protected their charge with grace and light. They made him a cradle and guided the light towards them.

On the forty fourth day, Tuwan Putli’ told Sitti Maryam that the angels had to go. All seven angels gave a sad farewell to the baby and his mother, but they knew that their work was done. Each angel stepped onto a rainbow that guided them to heaven.

Sitti Maryam was left with her baby and also with the wisdom that God had a greater plan for her that was still to come.

She cradled her child in her arms and saw a future for them. She said a silent prayer to all the 77 angels that helped her through her darkest times and she said a special one for Tuwan Putli’. Sitti Maryam knew in her heart of hearts that the angels would be watching over her from that day on.”


“Sleep well my little angel. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”


*Sitti Maryam and Nabi’ Isa are the Tausug names for Mama Mary and Jesus Christ

Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza

Inspired by “Sitti Maryam. Lady Mary.” in Voices from Sulu A Collection of Tausug Oral Traditions. Rixhon. 2010. and Aida Gaverza

Tuwan Putli’ Illustration by emirajuju

Watercolor by Catherine Chiu
FB: Wildling Child