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*Note this story is in Kapampangan

“Alberto, matudtud naka!”, anang Neni anyang linawe ni i Alberto king kwartu na. Mebigla ya makakera ne pala.

Apansin na medyu matamle ya. Pigaganakan na pota ali na ne na naman matudtud masalese.

“Opu!.Matudtud naku pu!” Pakibat nang Albertu a makaulas na.

Yapin na ita. Pete na neng Neni ing sulu kaybat neng sebyanang matudtud ne i Alberto.

“Bukas munta tamu park, ne?” Anang Neni kalwal nang pasbul.

“Matudtud ta na puuuuu!” Pakibat nang Alberto.

———————————————————————————————————————————– “Manuyab ya pa i Alberto kabang makasake ya king kabayu nang de pakpak susulapo kareng ulap. Balamu mo napun mu milyari itang anyang minsang mekisabi ya itang metung prinsesa ning Kahangian a ali na ne pa ituluy itang metung pamaglusub na.

Balu nang Alberto, ali ya makaali patse ating pamipagsapalaran.

Oneng ngeni, buri nang Alberto, mayari na ing pamipagsapalaran a ita.Balamu malabug nang manyabut king alang aggang pamaglusub da reng ayup.

Ali la ordinaryung ayup deni. Balamu payung lang susula-sulapo kareng ulang ning Kahangian. Ana ning prisesa kang Alberto, madalas ali no man bubulad ampong manablas deng ayup oneng ngeni sinapak nala. Pigaganakan na ning prinsesa, ini pa ing umpisa ning mas madagul a pamaglusub king kaarian da.

Pilang domingu nala ding tatabi Alberto, kayabe ning kabayu na, deng ayup palawut king kaarian. Agyang buri na ning prinsesa a gumamit yang puersa i Alberto, ena la agyung panasakitan deng  ayup.

Kayari na ning pekatawling kumpul ning ayup, pepaawus ne ning prinsesa i Alberto king kwartu na.

Kailangan na neng yarian Alberto ini. Sayang king oras ing gagawan nang Albertong pamanabi kareng ayup nung magbalik la din naman. Dininan neng kaun i Alberto at sebyanan neng munta king ari da reng ayup para paten ne.

Biklat neng Alberto ing kaun at mebigla ya anyang akit na na espada ya ing makalage a makaukit ing keyang lagyu. Mabayat yang lub linawe king prinsesa saka ya miniling.

Ali na agyu ing pagawa na. Ali solusyun ing pamanasakit para kaya. Likwan ne ing kaun king kwartu na ning prinsesa saka ya sinake kabayu na.

Mituknang mu ing egana-ganang ini nung masunud yamu buri i Alberto.

———————————————————————————————————————————–Tiniman ya ing kabayu nang Alberto. Uling kabayu ne mu, mesane neng ali sasabing pilubluban na oneng ngeni, ali ne mekabata.

Masaya iya na ustu ya ing desisyun nang Alberto. Ali no man manakit deng ayup. Istorbu la deng ayup king kaarian ning prinsesa oneng angga mu karin.

Sinulagpo lang adwa ning kabayu na kareng ulap angga king agyu na ning kabayu na. Nung nanu ya kagaling ing kabayu na king pamanlundag, makanita neman kapalpak kareng pakpak na. Pabusbus a  sinugud kareng ayup, mekapangan ya pang pipilang bulbul ayup i Alberto, agga king atupan de ing ari da reng ayup.

Dinuku ya ing kabayu nang Alberto. Agyang kabayu ya, atin ya pa din dayang ayup at kailangan nang tuki kareng aliwang batus-ayup bangkanita ali de kamuan deng aliwang ayup.

Asneng karagul ing ari da reng ayup. King kadagul na, mitatakpan ne alus ing aldo king katawan na. Linawe ne ning ari da reng ayup i Alberto ampo ing kabayu na saka na sinabi, “Ninu ikayu? Ampong nanung gagawan yu keni?”

Makaduku ya pa din ing kabayu anyang dimdam neng mekibat i Alberto.

“Bakit ye pu lulusuban ing kaarian?”, anang Alberto.

“Nanung buri mung sabyan?! Ala kung lulusuban! Panikwanan ku mung misubli ya ing kakung pibandian!”

Melukut ya kanuan i Alberto king pangalitu na.

“Oneng sabi na pu ning prinsesa kaku, ikayu pu ining linusub!”

“Iya ing minuna aliwa yaku! Penako ne ing kakung korona! Kaya kula papuntalan deng kakung alagad bangkanita akwa ke ita!”

“Oneng ana pu ning prinsesa –”

Dirutan ne ning ari da reng ayup i Alberto saka ne lege ing tuktuk na king lupa na.

“Abalitan da naka. Ika ampo ning kabayu mung de pakpak. Malwat da na kayung daramdaman kening kaarian a ini. Ngeni, makisabi kung mayap, isubli ye ing kakung korona. Patse milyari ita, metung mung amanu ku, tuknang na la reng alagad ku.”

Linawe ya ing Alberto king kabayu na at sabe lang tinangu.

———————————————————————————————————————————–Makalawe ya ing prinsesa king salamin kabang susuklen de reng alagad ing buak na. Ali na isip-isipang tanggian ne ning metung tawu ing keyang regalu. Siguru king susunud, ditak pang lua, ala nang makatanggi king regalu na.

Sebyanan na lang lumwal deng keyang alagad. Linub ya king metung sikretung pasbul. Keng kilub ning kwartu, metung a baul. At king kilub ning baul, metung a premyu a pakiingatan na.

Pekamasanting yang korona king buung Kahangian. Atin yang bala makaburdang batuin ibat king langit. Gintung inaseru nang Ginton. Atin yan kasantingan a bage king pekamalagung prinsesa kareng ulap.

“Malaram!”, Gulisak nang Alberto king kwartu na ning prinsesa.

Memigsu yang menakbag ing korona king bigla na. Ali na isipan a mibalik ya agad ing tawung tinubud na.

“Malaram ka!”, anang ginulisak pasibayu.

“Katnamu atyu naka! Atyu la deng ayup nandin keni buri deng kunan ing korona kaku!”, ana ning prinsesa sabe atin ginilid lua king mata na. Ali mu minsang ginana ya ing makanining palusut na ning prinsesa. Nung ginana ya dati, gumana ya din ngeni.

“Ali me bandi yan!”, Anang Alberto kabang linapit la ning abayu na king prinsesa.

“Ali ya kaku pero ken yang tatang ku ini! Maiinggit lamu deng ayup kanaku kaya buri deng kuanan kanaku ini. Ali mu naman paburen ita, ali? Saupan mu ku,” Ngeni, manulu na ing lua king pisngi na kabang lalen ne i Alberto king mata.

“Malaram!”, anang Alberto kaybat neng dinaklut ing korona saka sinake kabayu na.

“Dakpan ye yan!”, Ana ning prinsesa ka reng guardya na.

Sibukan de pang tagalan i Alberto oneng mekalagpas nala kareng susulapong ubingan a makabante king puntud nang Ulilangkalulua. Patse milagpas naka karin, mengari nakang pagong a ali milako king bale mu.

“Ali naka makabalik keni kapilan man!”, gulisak na ning prinsesa kareng ulap. “Pantunan daka tandanan mu yan!”

“Dinumug de reng ayup di Alberto ampo ning kabayu na. Metula lang mayap a tatalnan neng Alberto ing korona ning ari da.”

“Kapate na naka ning kaarian ning prinsesa mu,” Ana ning ari da reng ayup.

“Wa pin pu.”

“Salamat keka. Manibat ngeni asaan mung saupan naka ning kaarian da reng ayup nung sakaling kailangan mu.”

“Salamat pu.”

Makatiman yang linaweng i Alberto king kabayu na. Kinawul neng Alberto ing kabayu na at saka neman mekibat ing kabayu na. Balu da na ustu ya ing desisyun a gewa da agyang ngening atin nalang kapate madagul.

“Atsing Neni, mapagal naku pu!”

“Oh, sige, Alberto. Miglip naka pa. Ligpit mula deng kinalat mung crayola, ne?”


Ngening aldo, maranun yang tinikdo i Alberto ampong mig-almusal. Migaganaka ya pa din i Neni na eya mekatudtud masalese i Alberto oneng balu na na makabawi neman king tudtud nung miglip ya.

Sinopan neng ligpit deng Crayola nang Alberto. Magtaka ya mu pin nung bakit payung ing pane nang do-drawing.

“Atsing Neni, ayup, oh!” anang Alberto kabang papakit ne ing ayup a dinrowing na lupang payung. Mas maragul yamu pin kareng aliwang payung.

“Ay! Kasanting na naman niyaaaaan! Oh, tara na, ne? Magligpit ta na saka naka matudtud, ne?”


English Version

“Alberto it’s time for bed!” Neni shouted from the hallway. She checked Alberto’s bedroom and was surprised to find him already under the covers.

She had noticed that he was less energetic than usual and she was worried that he wasn’t sleeping well.

“Neni I’m going to sleep!” Alberto said from under his blanket.
There wasn’t much she could do. Neni switched the lights off and told Alberto to have good dreams.

“I’ll see you in the morning. We’ll go to the park tomorrow okay?” She said as she walked out of his room.

“Neni! Time to sleep!” was Alberto’s reply.

Alberto yawned as he rode his winged steed through the clouds. It felt like only yesterday when one of the princesses of Kahangian*asked Alberto and his horse to stave off an invasion.

Alberto knew he couldn’t say no. When adventure calls he only had one answer.

But Alberto wished this adventure would end soon. Victory seemed out of reach as the endless onslaught of birds came wave after wave.

These were no ordinary birds. They flew like umbrellas along the clouds of Kahangian. The princess told Alberto that the birds would usually keep to themselves, but something must have happened to rile them up. She was afraid that this was only the beginning of a larger assault on her realm.

Alberto and his horse spent the last few weeks rerouting the birds away from the kingdom. As much as the princess wanted him to use force, Alberto could not bring himself to harm the birds.

After redirecting the latest wave of birds Alberto was summoned to the princess’ chambers.

She told him that it was time to end this. Redirecting the birds was a waste of time if they just kept coming back. She gave Alberto a box and told him to go to the king of the birds and slay him.

Alberto opened the box and was surprised to find a sword with his name engraved on it. It felt heavy in his hands and he looked at the princess and shook his head.

He would not do as she asked. Violence wasn’t the answer, at least not to him. He left the box in the princess’ chambers and went to his horse.

This would end, but on his terms.

Alberto’s horse smiled. As a horse he was used to keeping his opinions to himself but today he couldn’t help it.
He was proud that he made the right choice in Alberto. The birds weren’t violent, at most they were a nuisance to the princess’ kingdom.

They flew through the clouds with as much grace as the horse could muster. As adept as he was with galloping, the horse was clumsy with his wings. They barreled through the surge of birds ahead of them, Alberto had to spit out a few feathers, but eventually they came upon the roost of the king of birds.

Alberto’s horse bowed his head. As much as he was a horse, he was also part bird, and there were certain rules that you had to follow to make sure the other birds wouldn’t get mad at you.
The king of birds was enormous, his large frame almost blacking out the sun. He took one look at Alberto and his horse and said, “Who are you and why are you here?!”

Alberto’s horse was still looking at the ground when he heard Alberto answer.

“Why you attack the kingdom?”

“Strange human, I attack nothing. I am just trying to get back what belongs to me.”

Alberto’s brow creased in confusion.

“But princess said you attack!”

“The princess was the one that started this. She and her kingdom stole my crown! I’ve been sending my birds to her kingdom to get it back.”

“But princess said—-“

The king of birds whirled around and put his beak up to Alberto’s face.

“I’ve heard of you, human. You and your bentohangin have made quite a name for yourselves in this realm. And I am asking you, please, get my crown back and I will tell my birds to stop.”

Alberto looked at his horse and they nodded in unison.

The princess stared at her mirror as her servants brushed her hair. She had not calculated that the human would reject her gift, but no matter. A few bats of her eyelashes and some tears would certainly do the job the next time.

She bade her servants to leave her alone and walked to a hidden door in her chambers. In it was a chest and in that chest was her prize.

It was the most beautiful headpiece in all of Kahangian, inlaid with fallen stars and made from gold straight from Ginton’s forges. Such beauty should only belong to her, the fairest princess in the clouds.

“L—-I—-A—-R!” Alberto’s voice rang through the princess’ chambers.

The princess managed to catch the crown as it fell through her fingers. She had not expected the human to be back so soon.
“You’re a liar!” Alberto shouted again.

“I’m so glad you’re here! The birds have been trying to steal from me!” It was time for the tears. The princess was familiar with this tactic, many heroes had fallen for her charms and this one would be no different.

“That’s not your crown!” Alberto and his horse moved towards the princess.

“This is my father’s! The birds are jealous of its beauty and keep trying to take it from me, but you won’t let them will you? Please help me!” Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she looked into Alberto’s eyes.

“L—–I—–A—–R!” Alberto grabbed the crown from the princess and ran towards his horse.

“Guards! Get them!”

Alberto and his horse were experts and running away. The guards tried to catch up to the pair but once you’ve escaped from the flying serpents guarding Ulilankalulua’s grave everything seems like a turtle in comparison.

“You are not welcome here!” The princess shouted through the clouds, “We will hunt you down!”

The birds flocked Alberto and his horse. They were overjoyed at the sight of the crown and accompanied them to their king’s throne.

“You have made yourself an enemy of the princess’ kingdom.” The king of birds said to Alberto.


“Thank you, know that the kingdom of birds will help you, whenever you will need it.”


Alberto looked at his horse and smiled. Alberto’s horse hugged his companion and neighed. They knew they made the right choice, even if it meant making a powerful enemy.

“Neni! I’m tired!”

“Okay Alberto, you can take a nap soon. Let’s clean up your crayons okay?”


Today Alberto woke up early and even got ready for breakfast in time. Neni was still worried that he wasn’t getting enough sleep but that was nothing a good nap couldn’t fix.

She helped him clear his crayons and wondered why he kept drawing umbrellas.

“Neni! Bird!” He showed a drawing that was like the other umbrellas but bigger than the rest.

“It looks great Alberto! Let’s clean up and you can take a nap, okay?”


Continued from the Bentohangin’s tale

*Kahangian is the fifth layer of the universe

* Kapampangan, Pampango, or the Pampangan language is a major Philippine language. It is primarily spoken in the province of Pampanga, southern Tarlac, and northeastern Bataan. Kapampangan is also spoken in some municipalities of Bulacan and Nueva Ecija, by various Aeta groups of Central Luzon, and in scattered communities within the SOCCSKSARGEN region in Mindanao. The language is known honorifically as Amánung Sísuan (“breastfed, or nurtured, language”)

Written by Karl Gaverza

Translation by Keith Nicson Fajardo
Copyright © Karl Gaverza

Translation Copyright © Keith Nicson Fajardo

Inspired by the Hubot description in The Soul Book. Demetrio & Cordero-Fernando 1991.

Hubot Illustration by Edrian Paolo T. Baydo

Color by Alexa Garde
Website: Lexa.us


The post Hubot – Kapampangan Translation appeared first on Philippine Spirits.

Digkusanon – Hiligaynon Translation https://phspirits.com/digkusanon-hiligaynon-translation/ Sun, 22 Aug 2021 05:36:32 +0000 https://phspirits.com/?p=3333 *Note this story is in Hiligaynon Mabatyagan niya ang ila mga mata nga nagapanit sang iya mga kahuya. Indi man ato ila sala. Ang katahum nga parehas sang iya naga-demanda […]

The post Digkusanon – Hiligaynon Translation appeared first on Philippine Spirits.


*Note this story is in Hiligaynon

Mabatyagan niya ang ila mga mata nga nagapanit sang iya mga kahuya. Indi man ato ila sala. Ang katahum nga parehas sang iya naga-demanda sang igtalupangod kag ang entablado amo ang lugar kung di-in iya makakas tanan nga mga pakunokuno kag mangin matuodtuod nga espirito nga amo ang ginapalangga sang iya mga tumalambong.

Mga kirab nagabayle sa iya mga panit sa butkon sang nagsugod na ang una nga koro. Ang iban niya na mga upod indi kauyon na matalupangdan, mas gusto nila nga daw gintago sila digto sa Biringan, apang si Amihan gintak-an na sang ila mga pagsulundan nga ginhimo tungod sang kakulba.

Ti-on na para sa ika-tatlo nga bersikulo: “Kung kahibalo ako kung paano ko ikaw ka palangga tani nagpabilin ako. Pero ang tiempo naga-agaw sang tiempo. Nabilin ako nagatan-aw sang nagligad, nagahulat sang palaabuton magsugod.” Naghugyaw ang tumalambong sang nagkanta siya kag iya nadab-ot ang mataas nga G. Daku nga kalipay na halin sa iya boses, wala sang makaguba sang ini nga higayon.

Wala gid luwas lang sang naga ngut-ngut sa iya panit. Nga daan naghalin ini sa likod sang mga nagtambong, ang indi ma sal-an nga hamot sang salamangka sa hangin. Daw nakibot si Amihan sang ini kag siya nagdali-dali sa katapusan sang kanta nga ang banda binudlayan mag lagas sa iya, apang natapos man nila ang kanta.

Nagdali-dali si Amihan pakadto sa iya ilislan nga kuwarto, ang iya kabulig nagasunod man sa iya. Ila na mabati-an ang tumalambong nagapangayo sang dugang nga mga kanta, apang dapat lang sila maghulat. May mga mas importante na bagay nga iya atipanon.

“Ginahulat ko ikaw.” Gin trangkahan ni Amihan ang puwerta. Si Jesa, ang iya kabulig nga dugay na naga-antos maga-antos pa liwat kay wala ginasapak ni Amihan ang pagpanuktok sa puwerta.

“Ginkawat mo ang akon ideya.” siling ni Bukad sa iya dala ang pagmudlo sang mata. Ang hamot sang mga matam-is nga bulak nagapalibot sa iya ilislan. Nadumduman ni Amihan kung diin naghalin ang ngalan ni Bukad, kung paano ang mga espirito mag biyahe kag maga-untat sa mga hardin sang bulak para maglapta sang dala sang mga bahu sang ini sa bukid.

Wala gid nanamian si Amihan sang hamot sang mga bulak.

“Indi mo mapanag-iyahan ang isa ka ideya.” siling ni Amihan samtang ginpalayo niya ang buhok sa iya mata. Gintipon niya tanan nga kaakig sa iya lawas kag ini ginpakita niya kay Bukad.

“Akon ato kag ginkawat mo!” Nagpalapit si Bukad. Mga makusog kag bayolente nga hangin naghampak sa mga pader sang kuwarto.

Nagpanguy-ab si Amihan kag nagyuhum sa iya kaaway.

“Untat na sa mga ini nga hampang. Kabalo man kita nga duwa nga indi ikaw makusog para magbato sa akon.” May hangin nga nagsulod sa kuwarto kag nag angot sa butkon ni Bukad. Mga espirito parehas kay Bukad wala nagadugo nga daw mga tawo, apang ang hangin nga nagadalagan sa sulod sang iya lawas nag-awas sa iya pilas.

Si Bukad nagkadlaw kag nabatyagan ni Amihan iya panit nga daw nagabiti-biti. May ara sang bag-o sa hangin, isa ka madaan nga butang.

“Indi ako maghalin diri asta makuha ko ang akon!” Nagpaguwa si Bukad sang isa ka hiyas kag ini iya gintudlo sa kay Amihan.

“Di-in mo ina ginkuha?” Kabalo si Amihan kung ano ang ginpaguwa ni Bukad, hiyas na may gahum, hiyas nga may bantay. Indi mahimo nga si Bukid may kusog maka-agaw sang hiyas halin sa bantay, kag indi man siya kabalo kung paano ma usar ang gahom sang hiyas.

Subong nagalutaw na sila nga duwa, ang mabaskog nga hangin sa kuwarto makatabon sang mga siyagit ni Jesa.

Sa puwersa sang ini nga hangin, wala nag-atras si Amihan. Siya ang naghalin sa ila pungsod kag nagkadto sa lugar sang mga tawo, mga mortal. Siya ang nagliwat sang lawas niya bilang isa ka madaku nga artista nga may pagdayaw sang milyones. Siya ang may karapatan nga dayawon.

Ang mga mata ni Bukad naga-inggat, parehas sang inggat sang hiyas. Madamol ang bahu sang mga bulak, si Amihan daw masuka sa ini nga bahu.

“Ikaw ang nagpabilin sa Biringan!” singgit ni Amihan sa babaw sang hangin.

“Mahalin na ako tani, apang wala ako gintugtan.” Balik sabat ni Bukad.

“Imo ina problema! Ikaw ang nagasunod sa kung ano ang ila ginpahimo sa imo!” Nagpangusog si Amihan sang iya lawas kontra sa daw bagyo nga hangin nga halin kay Bukad.

“Imo na salabton sa lawas mo!” siling ni Amihan samtang nagapalapit na siya sa hiyas. Gin-unat niya iya kamot kag gindab-ot ang naga inggat nga bola. “Ginhimo ko ang indi nimo mahimo, ginpamati-an ko lawas ko! Madugay ang ti-on kung ginahulat ang mo ang ti-on!”

Nabatyagan ni Amihan ang gahum sang hiyas nagalatay sa iya mga ugat. Mabatyagan ang kusog ni Bukad nga amo man nagalatay sa naga-inggat nga bola. Madaku kag makusog ang kahisa, mga kasakit nga si Amihan wala sang oras nga talupangdon. Iya ang iya kabuhi. Iya ini nga ti-on.

Ang gahum ni Bukad ara sa pagpalapnag sang matam-is nga bahu sang tig-ilinit, apang si Amihan amo ang puwersa sang bagyo. Nagdulot ang iya panulok sa mata ni Bukad nga may mantsa na sang luha kag iya ini gintulok nga may kaluoy.

“Indi gid man ini imo bisan san-o pa.”

Ang kamot ni Jesa nagsalakit sang panuktok. May mga beynte-sinko minutos na nga naglabay kag ang mga tumalambong nagapangayo pa nga si Amihan magkanta liwat. Si Amihan may mga pinasahi nga batasan pero ang pagpahulat sang iya mga humalangad indi isa sang ini.

Kag ang gahud nga halin sa kuwarto nga iya ilislan labaw pa sa sound system. Daw iya ginahungod nga indi sila mabati-an sang kalibutan sa guwa.

Si Jesa ginabayaran sang maayo agod nga wala sang problema ang mga palaguwaon ni Amihan kag dala na ang ini nga gab-i. Ang mga humalangad makabati sang tingog ni Amihan liwat bisan iya pa butungon sa buhok ang artista pakadto sa entablado.

Si Jesa nangusog kag iya ginsipa ang puwerta. Nahulog ang puwerta kag iya na kita ang kuwarto sa sulod nga daw nalukpan sang granada. May lipong nga babayi sa tunga sang kuwarto kag si Amihan nagatindog lang sa iya tupad.

“Ma’am…ang mga tumalambong nagahulat…”

“Gusto pa ako nila mag guwa liwat? Sigue, kay-uhon ko lang ini.”

Si Jesa nagtan-aw lang nga ginpudyot ni Amihan ang nagainggat nga bola halin sa kamot sang babayi kag iya ini ginbutang sa iya bulsa.

“Abi buligi ako kag himusa ang akon kuwarto. Ginbisita ako sang isa ko ka amiga.”

Ginpahigad ni Amihan si Jesa kag naglakat balik sa entablado, iya ginakanta na ang mga liriko.

“Hmmmmm mmmm….Nagatan-aw ako sa nagligad. Hmmmm…nagahulat sang akon palaabuton mag sugod…”


English Version

She could feel their eyes peel the insecurities off her skin. It wasn’t their fault, of course. Beauty such as hers demanded attention and the stage was where she could shed all pretenses and be the genuine soul that her beloved audience could adore.

Sparks danced around her bare arms as she started the first chorus. The others of her kind didn’t want too much attention to be brought upon themselves, they would rather stay locked away in Biringan, but Amihan had enough of their rules made out of fear.

It was time for the third verse: “If I knew how much I loved you I would have stayed. But time takes too much time. I’m left looking at the past, waiting for my future to begin.” The crowd cheered as she belted the high G. It was sonic ecstasy, nothing could ruin this moment.

Nothing except what was pricking at her skin. It came from across the audience, the unmistakable scent of magic in the air. Amihan was caught off guard and rushed through the bridge, the band struggled to catch up but they managed to finish the song.

Amihan dashed to her dressing room, her assistant not too far behind. Already they could hear the audience demanding an encore, they would have to wait. There were more important matters that she had to attend to.

“I’ve been waiting for you.” Amihan locked the door behind her. Jesa, her long suffering assistant would have to suffer a little longer as Amihan ignored the pounding on the door.
“You stole my idea.” Bukad stared her down. The smell of sweet summer flowers surrounded the dressing room. Amihan remembered where Bukad’s name came from, how the spirit’s would travel and stop by the flowerbeds to scatter their scent through the mountains.

Amihan always hated the smell of flowers.

“You can’t own an idea.” Amihan pushed away her hair from her eyes. She collected every shred of contempt in her body and directed it towards Bukad.

“It was mine and you took it!” The girl moved forward. Violent winds started to crash through the dressing room.

Amihan yawned and shot a smile at her rival.

“Stop with the parlor tricks. We both know you’re not strong enough to challenge me.” A streak of wind shot through the room and connected with Bukad’s arm. Spirits such as they did not bleed like humans, but the air that coursed through her leaked from her wound.

Bukad started to laugh and Amihan felt her skin crackle. There was something new in the air, something old.

“I won’t leave here until I get what is mine!” Bukad took out a small jewel and pointed it towards Amihan.

“Where did you get that!?” Amihan knew what it was, a jewel of power fiercely guarded by the bantay. There was no way Bukad would have been strong enough to fight one, let alone know how to channel her magic through the jewel.

They were both floating now., the winds in the room loud and violent enough to drown out even Jesa’s shouts.

Even against the onslaught Amihan would not back down. She was the one that ran away from their city and went to the human lands. She was the one that remade herself into an icon that was adored by millions. She was the one that deserved to be adored.

Bukad’s eyes started to glow with an unearthly light, the same color as the jewel. The smell of flowers was thick, Amihan almost felt like vomiting from the stench.

“You were the one that stayed in Biringan!” Amihan shouted through the gale.

“I was going to leave, but they wouldn’t let me!” Bukad answered back.

“That’s you’re problem! You were the one that let them tell you what to do!” Amihan braced herself against the small hurricane coming from Bukad. She felt the wind cut against her flesh, but the pain didn’t matter. “You were the one who let your dreams die!”

“No! It’s your fault! I told you my plan! How I would go to the human lands and use my magic to make them love me! You stole my life!” Tears were streaming down Bukad’s face as her winds strengthened.

“Take responsibility for what you did!” Amihan inched closer to the jewel. She stretched out her arms and put her hands around the glowing orb. “I did what you couldn’t do! I listened to myself! Time takes too much time!”

Amihan felt the power of the jewel coursing through her veins. She also felt Bukad through the power of the jewel. There was so much envy, so much pain that Amihan had no time for. This was her life. This was her moment.

Bukad’s power lay in the scattering of the sweet summer scent, but Amihan’s was the force of the typhoon. She stared into Bukad’s tear stained eyes and gave one last look of pity.
“This was never yours to begin with.”


Jesa’s hands were painful from beating against the door. It had already been 25 minutes and the audience still demanded an encore. Amihan had certain peculiarities, but she would never leave a crowd waiting.

And the noise coming from her dressing room seemed to be the speakers turned to full. It was as if she was purposely trying to avoid the world.

Jesa was paid very well to make sure things were running smoothly and tonight would be no exception. The audience would get their encore even if Jesa had to drag her by the hair.

Jesa mustered all her might and kicked the door. It fell unceremoniously and Jesa stared into a dressing room that looked like it was struck by a bomb. There was an unconscious girl in the middle of the room and Amihan was just standing there, staring at her.

“Ma’am… The audience…”

“Oh, they still want an encore? Alright let me just get this.”
Jesa watched as Amihan took a small glowing object from the girl’s hand and put it in her pocket.

“Be a dear and have this cleaned up. I had a visit from an old friend.”

Amihan brushed Jesa aside and walked towards the stage, practicing the lyrics to her encore.

“Hmmm mmm…. Looking at the past. Hmmmm…. Waitingfor my future to begin…”


*The Hiligaynon language, also colloquially referred often by most of its speakers simply as Ilonggo, is an Austronesian regional language spoken in the Philippines by about 9.1 million people, mainly in Western Visayas and SOCCSKSARGEN, most of whom belong to the Visayan ethnic group, mainly the Hiligaynons. It is the second-most widely spoken language and a member of the so-named Visayan language family and is more distantly related to other Philippine languages.

Written by Karl Gaverza

Hiligaynon translation by Stephen A. Matti

Copyright © Karl Gaverza

Translation Copyright © Stephen A. Matti

Inspired by the Digkusanon legends from Western Visayas

Digkusanon Illustration by Kurt Prieto
Behance: https://www.behance.net/KurtPrieto

Watercolor by Catherine Chiu
FB: Wildling Child
IG: https://www.instagram.com/wildlingchild/

The post Digkusanon – Hiligaynon Translation appeared first on Philippine Spirits.

Hubot https://phspirits.com/hubot/ Tue, 17 Apr 2018 13:02:30 +0000 http://phspirits.com/?p=951   “Alberto it’s time for bed!” Neni shouted from the hallway. She checked Alberto’s bedroom and was surprised to find him already under the covers. She had noticed that he […]

The post Hubot appeared first on Philippine Spirits.



“Alberto it’s time for bed!” Neni shouted from the hallway. She checked Alberto’s bedroom and was surprised to find him already under the covers.

She had noticed that he was less energetic than usual and she was worried that he wasn’t sleeping well.

“Neni I’m going to sleep!” Alberto said from under his blanket.
There wasn’t much she could do. Neni switched the lights off and told Alberto to have good dreams.

“I’ll see you in the morning. We’ll go to the park tomorrow okay?” She said as she walked out of his room.

“Neni! Time to sleep!” was Alberto’s reply.

Alberto yawned as he rode his winged steed through the clouds. It felt like only yesterday when one of the princesses of Kahangian*asked Alberto and his horse to stave off an invasion.

Alberto knew he couldn’t say no. When adventure calls he only had one answer.

But Alberto wished this adventure would end soon. Victory seemed out of reach as the endless onslaught of birds came wave after wave.

These were no ordinary birds. They flew like umbrellas along the clouds of Kahangian. The princess told Alberto that the birds would usually keep to themselves, but something must have happened to rile them up. She was afraid that this was only the beginning of a larger assault on her realm.

Alberto and his horse spent the last few weeks rerouting the birds away from the kingdom. As much as the princess wanted him to use force, Alberto could not bring himself to harm the birds.

After redirecting the latest wave of birds Alberto was summoned to the princess’ chambers.

She told him that it was time to end this. Redirecting the birds was a waste of time if they just kept coming back. She gave Alberto a box and told him to go to the king of the birds and slay him.

Alberto opened the box and was surprised to find a sword with his name engraved on it. It felt heavy in his hands and he looked at the princess and shook his head.

He would not do as she asked. Violence wasn’t the answer, at least not to him. He left the box in the princess’ chambers and went to his horse.

This would end, but on his terms.

Alberto’s horse smiled. As a horse he was used to keeping his opinions to himself but today he couldn’t help it.
He was proud that he made the right choice in Alberto. The birds weren’t violent, at most they were a nuisance to the princess’ kingdom.

They flew through the clouds with as much grace as the horse could muster. As adept as he was with galloping, the horse was clumsy with his wings. They barreled through the surge of birds ahead of them, Alberto had to spit out a few feathers, but eventually they came upon the roost of the king of birds.

Alberto’s horse bowed his head. As much as he was a horse, he was also part bird, and there were certain rules that you had to follow to make sure the other birds wouldn’t get mad at you.
The king of birds was enormous, his large frame almost blacking out the sun. He took one look at Alberto and his horse and said, “Who are you and why are you here?!”

Alberto’s horse was still looking at the ground when he heard Alberto answer.

“Why you attack the kingdom?”

“Strange human, I attack nothing. I am just trying to get back what belongs to me.”

Alberto’s brow creased in confusion.

“But princess said you attack!”

“The princess was the one that started this. She and her kingdom stole my crown! I’ve been sending my birds to her kingdom to get it back.”

“But princess said—-“

The king of birds whirled around and put his beak up to Alberto’s face.

“I’ve heard of you, human. You and your bentohangin have made quite a name for yourselves in this realm. And I am asking you, please, get my crown back and I will tell my birds to stop.”

Alberto looked at his horse and they nodded in unison.

The princess stared at her mirror as her servants brushed her hair. She had not calculated that the human would reject her gift, but no matter. A few bats of her eyelashes and some tears would certainly do the job the next time.

She bade her servants to leave her alone and walked to a hidden door in her chambers. In it was a chest and in that chest was her prize.

It was the most beautiful headpiece in all of Kahangian, inlaid with fallen stars and made from gold straight from Ginton’s forges. Such beauty should only belong to her, the fairest princess in the clouds.

“L—-I—-A—-R!” Alberto’s voice rang through the princess’ chambers.

The princess managed to catch the crown as it fell through her fingers. She had not expected the human to be back so soon.
“You’re a liar!” Alberto shouted again.

“I’m so glad you’re here! The birds have been trying to steal from me!” It was time for the tears. The princess was familiar with this tactic, many heroes had fallen for her charms and this one would be no different.

“That’s not your crown!” Alberto and his horse moved towards the princess.

“This is my father’s! The birds are jealous of its beauty and keep trying to take it from me, but you won’t let them will you? Please help me!” Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she looked into Alberto’s eyes.

“L—–I—–A—–R!” Alberto grabbed the crown from the princess and ran towards his horse.

“Guards! Get them!”

Alberto and his horse were experts and running away. The guards tried to catch up to the pair but once you’ve escaped from the flying serpents guarding Ulilankalulua’s grave everything seems like a turtle in comparison.

“You are not welcome here!” The princess shouted through the clouds, “We will hunt you down!”

The birds flocked Alberto and his horse. They were overjoyed at the sight of the crown and accompanied them to their king’s throne.

“You have made yourself an enemy of the princess’ kingdom.” The king of birds said to Alberto.


“Thank you, know that the kingdom of birds will help you, whenever you will need it.”


Alberto looked at his horse and smiled. Alberto’s horse hugged his companion and neighed. They knew they made the right choice, even if it meant making a powerful enemy.

“Neni! I’m tired!”

“Okay Alberto, you can take a nap soon. Let’s clean up your crayons okay?”


Today Alberto woke up early and even got ready for breakfast in time. Neni was still worried that he wasn’t getting enough sleep but that was nothing a good nap couldn’t fix.

She helped him clear his crayons and wondered why he kept drawing umbrellas.

“Neni! Bird!” He showed a drawing that was like the other umbrellas but bigger than the rest.

“It looks great Alberto! Let’s clean up and you can take a nap, okay?”


Continued from the Bentohangin’s tale

*Kahangian is the fifth layer of the universe

Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza

Inspired by the Hubot description in The Soul Book. Demetrio & Cordero-Fernando 1991.

Hubot Illustration by Edrian Paolo T. Baydo

Color by Alexa Garde
Website: Lexa.us

The post Hubot appeared first on Philippine Spirits.

Digkusanon https://phspirits.com/digkusanon/ Sat, 24 Mar 2018 08:48:57 +0000 http://phspirits.com/?p=891   She could feel their eyes peel the insecurities off her skin. It wasn’t their fault, of course. Beauty such as hers demanded attention and the stage was where she […]

The post Digkusanon appeared first on Philippine Spirits.



She could feel their eyes peel the insecurities off her skin. It wasn’t their fault, of course. Beauty such as hers demanded attention and the stage was where she could shed all pretenses and be the genuine soul that her beloved audience could adore.

Sparks danced around her bare arms as she started the first chorus. The others of her kind didn’t want too much attention to be brought upon themselves, they would rather stay locked away in Biringan, but Amihan had enough of their rules made out of fear.

It was time for the third verse: “If I knew how much I loved you I would have stayed. But time takes too much time. I’m left looking at the past, waiting for my future to begin.” The crowd cheered as she belted the high G. It was sonic ecstasy, nothing could ruin this moment.

Nothing except what was pricking at her skin. It came from across the audience, the unmistakable scent of magic in the air. Amihan was caught off guard and rushed through the bridge, the band struggled to catch up but they managed to finish the song.

Amihan dashed to her dressing room, her assistant not too far behind. Already they could hear the audience demanding an encore, they would have to wait. There were more important matters that she had to attend to.

“I’ve been waiting for you.” Amihan locked the door behind her. Jesa, her long suffering assistant would have to suffer a little longer as Amihan ignored the pounding on the door.
“You stole my idea.” Bukad stared her down. The smell of sweet summer flowers surrounded the dressing room. Amihan remembered where Bukad’s name came from, how the spirit’s would travel and stop by the flowerbeds to scatter their scent through the mountains.

Amihan always hated the smell of flowers.

“You can’t own an idea.” Amihan pushed away her hair from her eyes. She collected every shred of contempt in her body and directed it towards Bukad.

“It was mine and you took it!” The girl moved forward. Violent winds started to crash through the dressing room.

Amihan yawned and shot a smile at her rival.

“Stop with the parlor tricks. We both know you’re not strong enough to challenge me.” A streak of wind shot through the room and connected with Bukad’s arm. Spirits such as they did not bleed like humans, but the air that coursed through her leaked from her wound.

Bukad started to laugh and Amihan felt her skin crackle. There was something new in the air, something old.

“I won’t leave here until I get what is mine!” Bukad took out a small jewel and pointed it towards Amihan.

“Where did you get that!?” Amihan knew what it was, a jewel of power fiercely guarded by the bantay. There was no way Bukad would have been strong enough to fight one, let alone know how to channel her magic through the jewel.

They were both floating now., the winds in the room loud and violent enough to drown out even Jesa’s shouts.

Even against the onslaught Amihan would not back down. She was the one that ran away from their city and went to the human lands. She was the one that remade herself into an icon that was adored by millions. She was the one that deserved to be adored.

Bukad’s eyes started to glow with an unearthly light, the same color as the jewel. The smell of flowers was thick, Amihan almost felt like vomiting from the stench.

“You were the one that stayed in Biringan!” Amihan shouted through the gale.

“I was going to leave, but they wouldn’t let me!” Bukad answered back.

“That’s you’re problem! You were the one that let them tell you what to do!” Amihan braced herself against the small hurricane coming from Bukad. She felt the wind cut against her flesh, but the pain didn’t matter. “You were the one who let your dreams die!”

“No! It’s your fault! I told you my plan! How I would go to the human lands and use my magic to make them love me! You stole my life!” Tears were streaming down Bukad’s face as her winds strengthened.

“Take responsibility for what you did!” Amihan inched closer to the jewel. She stretched out her arms and put her hands around the glowing orb. “I did what you couldn’t do! I listened to myself! Time takes too much time!”

Amihan felt the power of the jewel coursing through her veins. She also felt Bukad through the power of the jewel. There was so much envy, so much pain that Amihan had no time for. This was her life. This was her moment.

Bukad’s power lay in the scattering of the sweet summer scent, but Amihan’s was the force of the typhoon. She stared into Bukad’s tear stained eyes and gave one last look of pity.
“This was never yours to begin with.”


Jesa’s hands were painful from beating against the door. It had already been 25 minutes and the audience still demanded an encore. Amihan had certain peculiarities, but she would never leave a crowd waiting.

And the noise coming from her dressing room seemed to be the speakers turned to full. It was as if she was purposely trying to avoid the world.

Jesa was paid very well to make sure things were running smoothly and tonight would be no exception. The audience would get their encore even if Jesa had to drag her by the hair.

Jesa mustered all her might and kicked the door. It fell unceremoniously and Jesa stared into a dressing room that looked like it was struck by a bomb. There was an unconscious girl in the middle of the room and Amihan was just standing there, staring at her.

“Ma’am… The audience…”

“Oh, they still want an encore? Alright let me just get this.”
Jesa watched as Amihan took a small glowing object from the girl’s hand and put it in her pocket.

“Be a dear and have this cleaned up. I had a visit from an old friend.”

Amihan brushed Jesa aside and walked towards the stage, practicing the lyrics to her encore.

“Hmmm mmm…. Looking at the past. Hmmmm…. Waitingfor my future to begin…”


Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza

Inspired by the Digkusanon legends from Western Visayas

Digkusanon Illustration by Kurt Prieto
Behance: https://www.behance.net/KurtPrieto

Watercolor by Catherine Chiu
FB: Wildling Child
IG: https://www.instagram.com/wildlingchild/

The post Digkusanon appeared first on Philippine Spirits.

Puok https://phspirits.com/puok/ Sun, 31 Dec 2017 05:56:29 +0000 http://phspirits.com/?p=418 The Last Days of the Wind Part 2 She missed the mountains most. The wind was pressed against the cold rock of the cave. She made the mistake of opening […]

The post Puok appeared first on Philippine Spirits.


The Last Days of the Wind Part 2

She missed the mountains most.

The wind was pressed against the cold rock of the cave. She made the mistake of opening her eyes once and saw the frozen spirits of human, engkanto and even aswang suspended in the stone. That image would haunt her for the rest of her days, however long that would be.

Her first mistake was leaving home. No, she corrected herself. That was her choice. She wantedto see more of what the middleworld had to offer, and even if her journey were to end here, in the company of trapped monsters and tortured souls, it still would have been worth it.

Her fellow spirits had warned her of mad gods and strange beasts, of humans waging endless war with their spears and axes. They told her to remain and do her duty, and she did for a time. But her winds were made for much more than punishing humans who did not pay her respect.

If her adventures were all she had left, then her last moments would be spent with their memory.

She remembered the time she met the dragon trapped in the sky, how he was slowly waiting until the day he was free to rain fire from the heavens.

She remembered how she had paid her respects at the grave of the ruler of the clouds and sought solace under the coconut tree.

She remembered the smile of the human child she had saved from becoming a bugsok and the conversations she had with the god Ginton about how closely the spirits must work with the humans.

But through all the memories of danger and peace, she only wished to see her home one last time, to be able to fly amongst the terraces, bending each stalk of rice gently enough to make them dance. She even missed her duties, becoming an agent of vengeance against the humans that would not respect the rituals.

That was all in the past now. She could feel Tan Mulong’s power constricting even her thoughts. It would only be a matter of time before she would be one of the nameless spirits floating through his cave.

She said a goodbye to the mountains she had called home, and waited for the inevitable.


Story continued from Tan Mulong’s tale

Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza

Story inspired by the Puok description in ‘Philippine Mythology’. Jocano. 1969.

Puok Illustration by Erika Gana

The post Puok appeared first on Philippine Spirits.
