I am stone.
Nothing can match my strength.
I am earth.
The regent of things below.
I am the caves.
That is my home.
I am the mountains.
Those that disrespect me will know true pain.
New intruders in my territory.
Let us wait to see what they do.
A pair, a man and woman.
They seem lost.
No disrespect was done.
Not yet, at least.
They passed the Balete tree.
But they did not disturb the spirits there.
Strange, most humans would have defiled my domain by now.
What are they looking for?
They have called my name.
They seek me.
I appeared before them.
And they asked for a boon.
They know my power.
And will use it for vengeance.
The tales were known by them.
They have prepared the sacrifice.
Their target, the woman’s current spouse.
They tell me their story.
But it doesn’t matter.
I tell him to bring him to my realm.
But I will not act if he does not disrespect my mountain.
They say they understand.
Though doubt colors their vision.
I wait.
I wait.
I wait.
It has been weeks since I saw them.
I wonder what happened.
Humans are fickle, but the only thing to do, is to protect my charge.
The mountains I call home.
To be honest I have not punished a human in a while.
I take their bones and usher them to the afterlife.
I miss those days.
When humans were reckless.
But alas,
It was not meant to be.
I am stone.
I am earth.
I am the caves.
I am the mountain.
I am B’langa.
Written by Karl Gaverza
Copyright © Karl Gaverza
Inspired by the an interview with Auntie Myrna Pula, a T’boli elder
B’langa Illustration by Agassi Karl Saballa
of Jump Jet Comics https://www.facebook.com/jumpjetcomics